Istrakan, the City of Death
Map of Istrakan from official guide (click for full image).
Istrakan, also called "The City of Death," and "Dark City," is the world setting of Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand. It is described as having been ruled by Immortals (the game's vampiric antagonists) "since time immemorial," implying that the overarching conflict of the Boktai series, between life and death, has been in progress for a very long time before the game begins.
Otenko says that "ends of eras are interwoven here in Istrakan," and alludes to the fact that the Dark Matter causing the Undeadening is also bending spacetime and bringing different times and places together in Istrakan. This is given as an in-game reason for why monsters respawn after re-entering a dungeon, "the Undead you defeat can slip through the time fabric and recover," but it also comes back later as a major point in the Immortals' ultimate plot.
Suffice to say, Istrakan is a deserted land filled with Undead that no one left living dares tread.
Road of Encounter
First Location. Django arrives in Istrakan and meets Otenko.
Connects to Fog Castle and Calm Path.
Fog Castle
- Decoy Count
- Crows
- Spiders
- Ghouls
The opening dungeon of Boktai 1. Otenko has tracked the Count of Groundsoaking Blood to this castle on the outskirts of Istrakan, and summons the Solar Boy Django to defeat him once and for all. The Count is supposedly here recovering from a fight during which he mortally wounded Django's father, the Vampire Hunter Ringo. It turns out to be only a decoy. The Count completes his recovery and flees to Bloodrust Mansion.
Calm Path
Connects Road of Encounter to Small Cave.
Small Cave
Undead Dungeon. Connects Calm Path to Empty Passage.
Empty Passage
Connects Small Cave to Gate of the Dead.
Gate of the Dead
Undead Dungeon. Connects Empty Passage to Road of Farewell.
Road of Farewell
Connects Gate of the Dead, Catacomb, and Ancient Forest.
Undead Dungeon. Connects Road of Farewell to Road of Reunion.
Ancient Forest
Undead Dungeon. Connects Road of Farewell to Road of Reunion.
Road of Reunion
Connects Catacomb, Ancient Forest, and Sunwishing Plaza.
Sunwishing Plaza
Connects Road of Reunion, Bloodrust Mansion, and Solar Tree.
Bloodrust Mansion
- Count
- Ghouls
- Klorofolun
- Steps
A labyrinthine mansion filled with traps and puzzles. Django and Otenko track the Count here from Fog Castle. After confronting and defeating the Count, they rescue the Earthly Maiden, Lita, whom the Count was holding hostage in preparation for a sacrifice.
Solar Tree
The mighty Solar Tree was ripped from its home in San Miguel, the City of the Sun, and brought to Istrakan by the Immortals, in hopes that it would succumb to the Undeadening. After rescuing Lita from Bloodrust Mansion, she remains by the Solar Tree and will watch over any solar fruits you plant at its roots. Over time, as you collect more solar energy, the Solar Tree slowly heals.
Hill of Departure
Connects Solar Tree to Noname Fortress and Deserted Arsenal.
Noname Fortress
Undead Dungeon. Connects Hill of Departure to Southwind Passage.
Deserted Arsenal
Undead Dungeon. Connects Hill of Departure to Young Grass Path.
Southwind Passage
Connects Noname Fortress to Death Cliff.
Death Cliff
Undead Dungeon. Connects Southwind Passage to Forgotten Path and Field of Silence.
Young Grass Path
Connects Deserted Arsenal, Stairs of Trial, and Deserted Road.
Stairs of Trial
Undead Dungeon. Connects Young Grass Path to Withered Course.
Deserted Road
Connects Young Grass Path, Southwind Passage, and Crumbling Mine.
Crumbling Mine
Undead Dungeon. Connects Deserted Road to Field of Silence.
Withered Course
Connects Stairs of Trial, Field of Silence, Ruined Cemetery, and Baking Hill.
Ruined Cemetery
Undead Dungeon. Connects Withered Course to Byroad of the Beasts.
Byroad of the Beasts
Connects Ruined Cemetery, Baking Hill, and Azure Sky Tower.
Azure Sky Tower
Azure Sky Tower info tbd
Baking Hill
Connects Withered Course, Byroad of the Beasts, Rejected Road, and Firetop Mountain.
Firetop Mountain
- Iron Golem Muspell
firetop info tbd
Field of Silence
Connects Crumbling Mine, Withered Course, Suffering House, and Frostbitten Path.
Suffering House
Undead Dungeon. Connects Field of Silence to Solitude Trijunction.
Solitude Trijunction
Connects Suffering House, Rejected Road, and Sealed Hill.
Frostbitten Path
Connects Death Cliff, Field of Silence, and Severe Cold Hill.
Severe Cold Hill
Connects Frostbitten Path, Blocked Road, Sealed Hill, and Permafrost.
- Snow Wolf Garmr
permafrost info tbd
Blocked Road
Connects Severe Cold Hill, Stench Forest, and Northwind Passage.
Stench Forest
Undead Dungeon. Connects Sealed Hill to Rejected Road.
Sealed Hill
Connects Solitude Trijunction, Stench Forest, and Remaining Tower.
Remaining Tower
Undead Dungeon. Connects Sealed Hill to Wasteland of Chaos.
Rejected Road
Connects Solitude Trijunction, Baking Hill, and Dead Grassland.
Dead Grassland
Connects Rejected Road, Scar of the Land, and Forgotten Tomb.
Scar of the Land
Undead Dungeon. Connects Wasteland of Chaos to Dead Grassland.
Forgotten Tomb
Undead Dungeon. Connects Dead Grassland to Ancient Battlefield.
Wasteland of Chaos
Connects Remaining Tower, Scar of the Land, Delusion Forest, and Valley of Ice.
Valley of Ice
Undead Dungeon. Connects Wasteland of Chaos to Road with No Road.
Road with No Road
Connects Valley of Ice to Ancient Battlefield.
Ancient Battlefield
Connects Forgotten Tomb, Road with No Road, and Intersection of Fate.
Delusion Forest
Undead Dungeon. Connects Wasteland of Chaos to Northwind Passage.
Northwind Passage
Connects Rejected Road, Delusion Forest, Intersection of Fate, and Abyss.
Undead Dungeon. Connects to Northwind Passage.
Intersection of Fate
Connects Northwind Passage, Road with No Road, Ancient Battlefield, and Skyview Plaza.
Skyview Plaza
Connects Intersection of Fate, Sol City, and Taboo Hill.
Sol City
- Crying Witch Carmilla
sol city info tbd
Taboo Hill
Connects Skyview Plaza, House of Darkness, Fallen Devil Castle, and Door to Darkness.
House of Darkness
Undead Dungeon. Connects Taboo Hill to Cursed Road.
Fallen Devil Castle
Undead Dungeon. Connects Taboo Hill to Shadowhiding Passage.
Shadowhiding Passage
Connects Fallen Devil Castle, Water Demon's Cage, and Door to Darkness.
Water Demon's Cage
Undead Dungeon. Connects Shadowhiding Passage to Field of the End.
Cursed Road
Connects House of Darkness, Fire Dragon's Grave, and Door to Darkness.
Fire Dragon's Grave
Undead Dungeon. Connects Cursed Road to Field of the End.
Field of the End
Connects Fire Dragon's Grave, Water Demon's Cage, and Door to Darkness.
Door to Darkness
Connects Taboo Hill, Cursed Road, Shadowhiding Passage, and Field of the End.
Teleport to Dark Castle.
Dark Castle
- Hel, Queen of Darkness
dark castle info tbd